That's a lot of begats...

Matthew 1:1-17

This Sunday begins a new church year in the liturgical calendar as we enter the season of Advent. Advent and Lent are the two seasons of preparation in the church calendar, marked by purple paraments (the cloths that hang on the pulpit, lectern, and communion table). These are historically times of fasting and prayer as we prepare for the coming of Christ during Advent and the crucifixion of Christ in Lent.

This advent season we will spend our Sundays looking at the two nativity stories in the gospels--one from Matthew and the other from Luke. Both evangelists have some unique elements to their respective stories, giving us an opportunity to reflect on what each writer was trying to communicate to his audience and to us. We begin that journey this Sunday (29 November) with Matthew's account of Jesus' genealogy.

If you read scripture like I often do, you may skip right over the lengthy accounts of who begat whom. But take a few minutes this Thanksgiving week and read through Matthew 1, and you may notice a few strange things. If you do, reflect on why Matthew may have constructed his prologue that way, and join us on Sunday as we look at it together.

If you'd like to study ahead of time, click here to read Matthew 1:1-17.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

We will not have any Wednesday night activities this week due to Thanksgiving holidays, but for anyone who is in town Thursday, the Thanksgiving Community Outreach can always use volunteers to help serve, drive and deliver meals, or drop off food. You can find the details on their Facebook page. This wonderful ministry feeds an estimated 3500 meals to residents around Greene County, and Timber Ridge folks have been long time supporters.

November Collection Items

Food Bank November Items: Macaroni and Cheese

Please remember the Greene County Food Bank and Samaritan's Purse collections for the month of November when you're doing your shopping. November collection items are:

November Samaritan's Purse Item - Shipping Donations

Coming up at Timber Ridge...

Stated Session Meeting

Our last stated Session meeting of 2015 will be held next Sunday (29 November) at 7:00pm in the Choir Room. You can see a draft copy of the agenda and review minutes from the previous meetings here.

Upcoming Youth Events...

No Youth activities this Wednesday, but please plan to join us next Wednesday, 2 December, as we hang the greens and decorate the church for Advent and Christmas.

Miss a Sunday?