Buying that pearl...

Pearl of Great Price

Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a merchant in search of pearls. Recall that, for Jesus, the kingdom of heaven is predominately something we seek in this life, not merely a thing for which we wait in the next life. What does our personal and corporate journey with the Creator have to do with a merchant seeking a pearl? Join us Sunday as we explore Matthew 13:45-46 and another of Jesus' enigmatic parables.

No Wednesday Night Activities this week

O, God Movie Poster

But join us next Wednesday (20 January) as we watch part one of the George Burn's movie O, God.

January Collection Items

Food Bank January Items: Canned Pinto Beans

Please remember the Greene County Food Bank and Samaritan's Purse collections for the month of January when you're doing your shopping. January collection items are:

Coming up at Timber Ridge...

Stated Session Meeting

Our first stated Session meeting of 2016 will take place on Sunday evening, 17 January at 5:30 at the manse. Dinner will be provided. Please bring your calendars with you as we will be setting the church calendar for 2016.

Miss a Sunday?